




お客さんやスタッフからの質問 質問 回答例
出身はどこですか? Where are you from?
I'm from Japan.
I'm from Tokyo.
I'm from Tokyo, Japan.
出身は日本のどこですか? Where are you from in Japan? I'm from Tokyo.
I'm from the North(South).
I'm from the West(East).
もともとはどこの出身ですか? Where were you from originally? I was born and grew up in Tokyo.
I was born in a country town and grew up in Tokyo.
I was born near Tokyo and grew up in Tokyo.
生まれはどちらですか? Where were you born? I was born in Tokyo.
どこで育ちましたか? Where did you grow up? I grew up in West(East) Tokyo.
東京からどのくらいかかりますか? How long does it take from Tokyo to your hometown?
How long does it take to get to your hometown from Tokyo?
About one hour by train.
It takes about two hours by super-express.
飛行機で何時間くらいかかりますか? How long does it take from Sydney to Japan by airplane? It takes about nine and half hours.
兄弟や姉妹はいますか? Do you have any brothers or sisters? No I haven't any.
I'm an only child.
I have only a brother.
I have two brothers.
I have one younger brother and one older sister.
I have one step-sister.
I have two sisters and two-step brothers.
家族はどこに住んでいますか? Where does your family live? They live in Japan.
My parents live in Tokyo.
My parents live in Tokyo but my older sister lives in London.
人口はどれくらいですか? What is the population?
What is the population of your city?

It's about thirteen million.

It's about four hundred thousand.

どれくらいオーストラリアにいますか? How long have you been in Australia? I have benn here almost five years.
I have been here only two weeks.
I have been here about half month.
オーストラリアは好きですか? Do you like Australia? Yes I like Australia. Because,,,
the people are very friendly.
the weather is fantastic.
the beaches are so beautiful.
日本とオーストラリアのどちらが好きですか? Japan or Australia which do you like?
I like Asutralia more than Japan. Because living in Japan is too busy.
I can't tell. That's hard to answer. They both have good things and bad things.
オーストラリアのどこに行ったことがありますか? Where have you been in Australia? I have been only in Sydney.
I have been to Sydney and the Gold coast.
I have been along the East coast.
I have been many places.
家族は恋しいですか? Are you missing your family? Yes, I'm missing my family so I often call them.
No, I'm not.
No not really. I miss my dog though.
学生ですか? Are you a student?
Yes I am.
No, I'm not. I'm on a working holiday.
どこの学校に通っていますか? What school do you go to? I go to AAA school. It's in the city.
AAA school. It's an international college.
何を勉強していますか? What are you studying? I'm studying English at an international school.
I'm studying hospitality at college.
I'm studying marketing at uni.

Where do you live?

I live in the city.
I live in Chatswood.
I live near the station.
I live two blocks from here.
I live on George street.
誰と住んでいますか? Who do you live with? I live with my friend.
I live with my boyfriend(girlfriend).
I live with two flatmates.
レント(家賃)はどれくらいですか? How much is your rent?
How much do you pay in rent?
My rent is one hundred twenty five per week.
One hundred fifty per week.
ボーイフレンド(ガールフレンド)はいますか? Do you have a boyfriend(girlfriend)?

Yes, I have. I have an Australian boyfriend(girlfriend).
Yes, I have. My boyfriend(girlfriend) is Australian.

Yes, I have. My boyfriend(girlfriend) lives in Japan.

Yes, I have. I travelled here with him(her).

No I haven't. I'm looking for a boyfriend(girlfriend).


日本では何をしていましたか? What did you do in Japan? I was a uni student. I studied economics.
I was a sales assistant.
いつから英語を勉強していますか? How long have you been studying English? I've been stadying eight years.
Since age thirteen. With my generation English was taught the first year of junior high school, but I think the Japanese junior high English education system is terrible.
ここで働いてどれくらいになりますか? How long have you been working here? About 2 years.
鯨を食べますか? Do you eat whale? Yes I do. But whale is quite expensive so only get to eat occasionally.
Not anymore. It's hardly a necessity for Japanese to eat whale meat nowadays.
No I don't. Whale meat isn't my taste.
鯨を食べたことがありますか? Have you ever had whale? Yes I have. But nowadays it's expensive and rare so we can't buy in a normal super-market.
Yes I have. I had it once when I was a kid. But I didn't like it.
No I don't have. I guess most young Japanese people which is my generation don't particularily eat it.
イルカを食べたことがありますか? Have you ever eaten dolphin?

Yes I have. People in some smaller regions eat dolphin's meat. I was born one of those areas. It is a custom in my hometown to eat dolphins.
Yes I have.

Yes I do. They’re absolutely delicious.
Yes I have eaten it before, back when I was in Japan. It was nasty.
No I haven't. I know some people in regional area's do eat dolphins though.
No I haven't. But I've heard my parents had dolpins when they were young.
No I haven't. I know some Japanese people eat it but I've never tried it and never would. Dolphins are beautiful and cute. They’re intelligent mammals.


